Thursday, 14 February 2013

Ajarn Monak - Khun Phaen with Pala Khik Paetch Payatorn Deity

Khun Phaen Palad Paeth Payatorn Nang Prai 7 Ta Hlang Hyaab (Khun Phaen with Pala Khik Paetch payatorn Deity and seven couples in Kama Sutra sexual postures - 'Hlang Hyaab' (coarse rear face) - Pra Khun Phaen with Deva Lady in Courtship, and two Prai Deva Maidens attending around Khun Phaen. Khun Phaen is performing Incantations to Enchant the Maidens. The Pair of them are seated upon the Paetch Payatorn Nang Lorm Deity (A Phallic Penis Headed animal).

This is an Ongk Kroo Version in small size (Pim Lek Ongk Kroo), and although smaller, is actually made from a purer concentration of Sacred Powders than the Large version, and is thus considered and Ongk Kroo version. This type of amulet is very good for Business and Lotteries, not only for Love and Attraction. It can be used by both Men (who have always had great success with Paetch Payatorn), or Women (contrary to popular belief). Also, Gay Women may find this amulet also very useful. Its small to medium size also suggests its aptness to both sexes.

Ajarn Monak in the Creation of this Wicha, chose the imagery (Metaphoric symbolism) to emit strong Metta Mahaniyom of the 'Hying Rak Chay Hlong' variety (Unisex Love Charm), fused with 'Ka Khaay' Magical Power, to increase and propagate plentiful and successful business, sales, purchases and windfalls. In a Nutshell, Milloinaire Maker Magic. There are four Major Elements embedded within the Magic Spell; Metaphoric Image - Khun Phaen Seated with hands together performing Incantations, to enforce his power and induce the successful realizations of your Prayers (Khun Phaen Chants with you to the Heavenly Realms, and adds the strength of his Adept Power). Two Angelic Prai Spirit Maidens (named 'Nang' and 'Kiang' - 'Nang Kiang' in Thai, means 'To sit by somebody's side). The Nang and Kiang Devas watch on and their Gaze induces the Interest and attention of members of the opposite sex who come near to the wearer of the amulet. Paya Palad (Also called 'Paetch Payatorn') - This Deva Increases the Fertility factor, which means 'Ripe and Plentiful harvests'. This Magic induces major increase in business earnings and sales, customers etc.

The rear face has seven couples in various sexual postures of the kama Sutra. This Pim Lek Ongk Kroo is made from fine pure sacred powder, without any herbal leaf sprinkled on the rear face. The Purity of the powder used for the Ongk Kroo Pim Lek is superior to that of the Pim Yai, which in contrast features sprinkling of rare charm herbs on the rear face (Wan Saw Hlong, and Wan Dork Tong).

Ajarn Monak Paetch Saeng Keow is probably the most famous maker and preserver of Pra Khun Phaen traditional amulet Making and Empowerment, and a Great Kroo of Wicha Pra Khun Phaen. He Possesses the True Mastery of the Wicha Pra Khun Phaen amulet and Magical Spell, and is so Adept at applying the Magic, that he has created over 40 different types of Pra Khun Phaen each with its own particular Ruling Spell and Wicha, for specific purposes and uses. Apart from the Immensely powerful Magic and Sacred Muan Sarn (Sacred powders pollens and other magical ingredients) which adds to the potency of the Charming and Attraction effect of Pra Khun Phaen amulets.

The amulets themself are all differently designed with the finest craftsmanship and quality of design, leaving each amulet an individual Masterpiece of Fine Miniature Buddhist Arts. These Pra Khun Phaen are truly Collectible and Sacred, as well as being of the most authentic and guaranteed to work (If Bucha Correctly), for they are made with the mos authentic ceremony and empowerment methods you can imagine. You can not get better than this when looking for a true Pra Khun Phaen amulet that is worthy of wearing and will stand the test of centuries of time.

One thing though, you must take care of the sacred amulets of Ajarn Monak, and avoid a lot of shocks or hard falls, because the sacred powders used are so rich in magical herbs that the amulets are slightly more brittle than more mass manufactured amulets that are made with a much lower amount of pure powders and mixed with a reduction agent (chalk). The richer the Muan sarn, the more coarse the texture of the amulet.
This is a good thing however if you know how to take care of your amulet, as it means you have only the richest purest sacred powders in the amulet, making it truly powerful if prayed to and make Bucha properly to it.

This amulet is currently not available. 

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